Author: Piia Komsi
Wing on Wing in New York with the New York Philharmonic in 2016 October
More information to be updated later.
Opera Absurdium
Two big world premieres coming
Piia is going to premiere a one woman opera by Jovanka Trbojevic, “opera Absurdium”, in the Time of Music Viitasaari the coming summer, on the 2nd and 7th of July. It is going to be a stand up-opera with comedian mode and Piia is also playing the cello simultaneously in one scene. As a…
Ligeti’s Le Grand Macabre in Theater Chemnitz was a big success!
Le Grand Macabre in Chemnitz got very much attention throughout Germany and not least because of the famous stage designer, artist Georg Baselitz and costume designer John Bock. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung(Jörn Florian Fuchs):” Piia Komsi ffühlte sich in der Doppelrolle als Geheimdienstleiterin und Venus äußerst wohl!” “Betreffs stimmlicher Virtuosität kam ihm Piia Komsi( Gepopo)”// Der…
Komsin sisarukset Kuukausiliitteessä
Tulevassa Helsingin Sanomien kuukausiliitteessä juttu Anu ja Piia Komsista.