Tag: Heinz-Juhani Hofmann
Piia Komsi performs works by Heinz-Juhani Hofmann and Maleena Linjama
Piia Komsi performs works by Heinz-Juhani Hofmann from her album “Soita. Kirjoita joskus. // Ruf an. Schreib doch mal.” The final work of the video is written for voice and piano by composer Maleena Linjama and it’s called “Hämärässä” (“in the darkness”). Piano part is played by Tiina Karakorpi. Video recording from live performance on…
New Solo Album: Soita. Kirjoita joskus.
CD- Levy myytävänä Fugassa https://www.fuga.fi/?sivu=detail&id=6419369094737 Kuunneltavana digitaalisesti nimellä Ruf an. Schreib doch mal. Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon, Radio, AOL, X-BOX Music, Google Play, Youtube. https://tidal.com/album/186291647 https://music.apple.com/fi/album/ruf-an-schreib-doch-mal/1570407850?ls
Hofmann-soololevy: Soita. Kirjoita joskus. Ruf an. Schreib doch mal.
Solo works by Heinz-Juhani HofmannPerformer: Piia Komsi, soprano & cello (simultaneously)R My first contact with Finnish-German Heinz-Juhani Hofmann’s music was about 20 years ago at the Sibelius Academy, when I had the chance to perform his two lieder Paista päivä and Sormet lomittuvat sormiin. The music and his way of composing for high voice left…